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An image showing various mobile devices with UI screens of Moment Track. The first shows the Gain page where there are 2 cards Market and Reports. The second is the Market page which shows the current energy market prices and a calculator to calculate how much the customer can make. The gains report shows the past 7 days, past year and of all time for how much the customer has stored, sold, and money gained.


Project Name: Moment Track Prototype
My Contributions: Visual Design, UI Design, Application Design, Interaction Design, Researcher
Solo or Group: Group
Length: September 2020 - December 2020
Digital Tools Used: Figma, Adobe Illustrator


An image showing Moment Tracks onboarding progress. You can scan your batteries code for a quicker onboarding.

What Did I Do?

One of my main key roles in our group was keeping in contact with Moment Energy, taking notes during our meetings, and conducting interviews with potential clients and customers. Throughout this process, our group discovered that both Moment Energy and their clients wanted ways to stay connected with one another and keep building a trusting relationship. Using design and interaction methods we were learning about in our course, we gathered data and information and proposed our final design concept: Moment Track.


Another one of my key roles was assisting in the ideating, planning and utilization of our battery tracking application concept for Moment Energy's customers. By creating this trusted relationship with Moment Energy and their clientele, we were clearly able to identify each groups pain points which steered us into the direction of Moment Track. Each part of the application was carefully planned out to tackle customer's current and potential future experiences with Moment Energy's products.


I also worked on the final application prototype interface design and interaction design, as well as the final presentation slides.

A slide from the final presentation showing the energy market feature. End customers can view live energy market data to know when to sell their energy back to the grid.

Challenges Faced

The main challenge came from not the design or iteration phase of the project, but the research phase. The main challenge our group faced was the ability in contacting potential clients to interview. Because we ourselves were just students and Moment Energy was a new start-up at the time, our group did not want to cause any conflict that would turn customers away from them. However because we weren't able to speak to our main target demographic, that being Moment Energy's customers, our design process started to suffer. After careful consideration, we communicated our struggles to Moment Energy, who in turn appreciated us being open about our process and concerns and connected us with some of their clients, voicing that it was not an issue. By communicating openly and clearly, our group was able to design a much more effective solution for their team.

Slide for Research. Research was done through remote conferencing with various potential Moment Energy clients to understand their wants, needs, pain points and motivations.

Presenting at the 2021 Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology Undergraduate Conference

After submitting our project to the School of Interactive Arts & Technology showcase, I was contacted by the Faculty of Communication, Arts & Technology to have our project presented at their upcoming Undergraduate Conference. I contacted my fellow group members and we gladly accepted the proposition.

To prepare for the upcoming presentation, our team refined our initial final course presentation and prototype of Moment Track. We also re-organized our presentation in a way where it’d be more easily understood by the general public rather than only our academic peers. Because of our prior experience with software such as Trello and Figma during the semester working on this project we were able to work cohesively and efficiently.

Overview of Moment Track's main features - battery performance and statistics, energy market data, and market and battery performance reports.

Reflecting Back

Working with a real company was a wonderful experience. By working with not only a capable group but also a capable company, I was able to learn many skills quickly and efficiently. Our ability to also communicate clearly and openly also helped our project's final result significantly. 


I was also honoured to be featured at not only the School of Interactive Arts & Technology Fall 2020 Project Showcase, but the 2021 Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology Undergraduate Conference as well. I enjoyed the opportunity to connect with my peers, mentors, and other faculty members and it was great to see projects from faculties I would normally be distant from. Overall this project was an amazing experience that I will treasure!

An image showing the Moment Track onboarding progress. A customer receives a battery and scans the batter code. They see that the battery's current performance is being monitored on the app. They also see the energy market and sells their energy to the grid.

Moment Track Storyboard Concept

Presentations and Conferences

SIAT Fall 2020 Showcase

Our project was accepted to be featured at the School of Interactive Arts & Technology Fall 2020 Project Showcase, which features the best of the best projects from the Fall 2020 semester all across the faculty.


This was my first project showcase outside of a classroom setting, which then prompted our later showcase at the FCAT Undergraduate Conference.

FCAT Undergradute Conference

Our project was featured and presented at the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology Undergraduate Conference in 2021, which showcases not only the best work from SIAT students but from students from the Contemporary Arts, Communications, Publishing, and more.


Video Presentation:

Concept Files

Final Presentation

Our final presentation slides we developed to communicate our final results to our class and to Moment Energy. Slides were revised to present at the FCAT Undergraduate Conference.


Video presentation: 

Final Mockup and Documentation

Our mockup for our presentation to Moment Energy and the FCAT Undergraduate Conference to highlight what our design solution, Moment Track, would do and how it would help Moment Energy and their potential and future clients.



Throughout the entire Fall 2020 semester in my Interaction Design Methods course, our group worked closely with Moment Energy, a clean-tech startup the repurposes used automotive lithium batteries into battery storage solutions. Our projects success was influenced by our ability to communicate clearly and efficiently with one another.

This project was featured at the 2021 Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology Undergraduate Conference and the Interactive Arts & Technology Fall 2020 Project Showcase

Link to the 2021 Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology Undergraduate Conference: 

Link to the Interactive Arts & Technology Fall 2020 Project Showcase:

©2024 by Cassandra Graves.

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